prophetic writings concerning the Messiah

The following are some of the prophecies in the Holy Scriptures, concerning the Messiah. All these prophecies have been fulfilled in Jesus (Y'shua) Nazareth, the Christ. We invite you to read them and to recognize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah who was to come, and therefore only going to Him we can be saved.

The coming of the Messiah

The Messiah would be announced to his people 483 years after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem
The Messiah would be killed before the destruction of the temple
Matteo 27:50-51
The Jewish authorities in the administration of justice would be completed with the arrival of the Messiah


The eternal existence of the Messiah

The Messiah is eternal
Salmo 102:25-27a
The Messiah existed before the creation
The Messiah is eternal (“eternal father”)
The Messiah is eternal
The Messiah is eternal


The Messiah is God come in the flesh

The Messiah is the creator of all things
Salmo 102:25-27b
The Messiah is the Lord
Matteo 22:41-45
The Messiah is holy
The Messiah is God
Jews 1:8-9
The Messiah is God
The Messiah is God
The Messiah is God
The Messiah is both God and man
The Messiah is both God and man (“he gave powerful”)
The Messiah is God
The Messiah is God
The Messiah is both God and man
The Messiah is both God and man


The Messiah is the Son of God

God has a Son
Matteo 3:16-17
The Messiah is the Son of God (YHWH)
Luca 1:31-35
The Messiah is the Son of God
The Messiah is the Son of God
Matteo 3:16-17
The Messiah is the Son of God
The Messiah is the Son of God
The Messiah would call God (YHWH) his father


The genealogy of the Messiah

The Messiah is a descendant of Shem
Luca 3:23-36
The Messiah is a descendant of Abraham (Avraham Avinu)
The Messiah is a descendant of Abraham
Genesis 18:17-18a
The Messiah is a descendant of Abraham
The Messiah is a descendant of Isaac (Yitzchak)
Luca 3:23-34
The Messiah is a descendant of Isaac
Luca 3:23-34
The Messiah is a descendant of Isaac
Luca 3:23-34
The Messiah is a descendant of Jacob (Yaakov)
Luca 3:23-34
The Messiah is a descendant of Judah (Y’hudah)
Luca 3:23-33
The Messiah is a descendant of Judah
Luca 3:23-33
The Messiah is a descendant of Boaz and Ruth
Ruth 4:12-17
Luca 3:23-32
The Messiah is a descendant of Jesse
Luca 3:23-32
The Messiah is a descendant of Jesse
Luca 3:23-32
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Luca 3:23-31
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Salmo 89:35-36
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Isaiah 7:13-14
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Luca 3:23-31
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Luca 3:23-31
The Messiah is a descendant of David
Luca 3:23-31
The Messiah is a descendant of David
The Messiah is a descendant of Zerubbabel
Luca 3:23-27


The birth and childhood of the Messiah

The Messiah would be born of the seed of a woman
Luca 1:34-35
The Messiah would be born of a virgin
Luca 1:34-35
The Messiah would be born of a virgin
Matteo 1:18-20
The Messiah would be Immanuel, “God with us”
Matteo 1:21-23
The Messiah is called by name before he was born
Luca 1:30-31
The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Bethlehem Efrata)
The birth of the Messiah
The Messiah is protected by God
Matteo 2:13-15
The Messiah would grow up in a poor family
The Messiah would grow up in a poor family
The Messiah knows his Father from his youth


The forerunner of the Messiah

The Messiah would live in the desert
A messenger would prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah
The messenger would prepare the way for the Messiah
The Messiah would come in the spirit of Elijah
The Messiah's forerunner would turn many to righteousness
Luca 1:16-17


The attributes of the Messiah

The Messiah is a prophet
The Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchizedek
Jews 6:17-20
The Messiah is Priest and King
The Messiah is King
The Messiah is King
The Messiah is King
The Messiah is the “wonderful counselor”
The Messiah is the “Prince of Peace”
The Messiah is a witness
The Messiah is like a shepherd
The Messiah would speak in parables
Matteo 13:34-35
The Messiah would speak in parables
Isaiah 6:9-10b
Matteo 13:13-15
The Messiah would bring a message of grace
The words of the Messiah is like a sharp sword
The Messiah would speak with words of authority given to Him by God
The Messiah would minister in Galilee
Matteo 4:12-17
The Messiah would have the full Spirit of God upon him
Matteo 3:16-17
The Messiah would have the Spirit of God upon Him
Matteo 3:16-17
The Messiah would have the Spirit of God upon Him
Matteo 3:16-17
The Messiah would have the Spirit of wisdom
The Messiah would have the Spirit of intelligence
The Messiah would have the Spirit of counsel
Matteo 7:28-29
The Messiah would have the Spirit of strength
The Messiah would have the Spirit of the knowledge of God
The Messiah would have the Spirit of the fear of the Lord
The Messiah would have a deep understanding of the fear of the Lord
Luca 2:46-47
The Messiah would put his trust in God
The Messiah is right
The Messiah would not judge according to appearance
The Messiah would judge the poor with justice
Marco 12:41-44
The Messiah would have compassion for the poor and needy
The Messiah would act with justice
The Messiah is given the judgment of mankind
The Messiah would not draw attention to himself
Matteo 12:15-21
The Messiah is humble
The Messiah would have the appearance of an ordinary man
The Messiah is the cornerstone
The Messiah is the cornerstone
The Messiah is the “Rock”
The Messiah is like “morning light”
The Messiah would have said that the Scriptures speak of Him
The Messiah would have the key of David


The events during the ministry of the Messiah

The Messiah would preach the good news
Luca 4:17-21
The Messiah would have declared to be the Son of God
Infants would give praise to the Messiah
Matteo 21:15-16