I have heard people say that they have been able to speak to their dead, through prayer or by attending séances. That there is truth in all of this? What does the Bible say about that?
These people have not talked to their dead loved ones, but they are deluded that they have talked to them. They have unknowingly talked to demonic entities, who know the details of the life of the evoked dead people and are therefore able to imitate them perfectly. The aim of these spirits is to seduce the living and make them subject (eg, a father who thinks he is talking to his dead son, he will do whatever he tells him).
For this very reason, the Bible condemns all forms of spiritism – both those who evoke the spirits of the dead, than whoever goes to consult the spirits. God said: “Let no one find in your midst whoever makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, nor who exercises divination, nor astrologer, nor who predicts the future, nor magician, nor charmer, nor who consults the spirits, nor who says luck, nor who interrogates the dead, because all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord” (Deut. 18:10-12), and also: “Don't turn to spirits, nor to diviners; do not consult them, so as not to defile yourselves through them. I am the Eternal, your God” (Lev. 19:31).
King Saul was made to die by God for consulting spirits: “So Saul died, because of the infidelity he had committed against the Lord, for not keeping the word of the Lord, and also because he had questioned and consulted those who evoke spirits, while he had not consulted the Lord. And the Lord killed him, and transferred the kingdom to David, son of Isai” (1 Cron. 10:13-14).
I end with the words of the prophet Isaiah: “It was seen if it says: “Consult those who summon spirits and diviners, those who whisper and whisper », answer: “A people should not perhaps consult their God? Perhaps he will turn to the dead in favor of the living? To the law! To the testimony!»If the people don't talk like that, there will be no dawn for him! He will wander around the country, heartbroken, hungry; when he gets hungry, he will get irritated, he will curse his king and his God; will look up, he will turn it towards the earth, and here, he will see only difficulty, darkness, darkness full of anguish, and will be driven into deep darkness” (Is. 8:19-22).
Lo Spiritism
It is possible to identify two different areas of spiritism:
The first area is represented by classical spiritualism which, through the practice of the séance, he wants to communicate with the souls of the dead. The key figure is that of “medium”, which is precisely the intermediary between the spirits and the participants. Typical phenomena of spiritism are: recording of voices, intuition of future events, visions, automatic writing (phenomenon by which a subject feels his hand pushed to write, as guided by another personality), ectoplasmi, that is, fluidic bodily forms in which spirits would materialize.
There is also a second area called “channeling“, in which we tend to receive information from a higher entity; this requires the presence of a channel (channel) capable of receiving information from that entity. Although there is no clear and clear distinction between channeling and classical spiritism, it can be said that this second form of spiritism differs from the first because the entities evoked are not only the souls of the dead, but also extraterrestrials, fate, gnomes, demon, spiritual teachers or even Jesus Christ and God the Father. It is clear that this form of spiritism is linked to a pantheistic idea and it is no coincidence that channeling is widely practiced in New Age environments.
Channeling entities do not simply broadcast news about their condition in the afterlife, as generally occurs in the context of classical spiritualism, but real philosophical systems are revealed, often presented as “new gospels”. Fra questi The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ (the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ) e The Urantia Book, dating back to the early and mid-twentieth century respectively, they exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the New Age ideology. It was later the same New Age to create “new gospels” of Gnostic and pantheistic approach.
Spiritism teaches that we can communicate with departed spirits and with other spirit entities. Others teach that we can seek a guiding spirit to entrust our lives to. We note that God in the Bible expressly forbids consulting spirits, with and without the help of spiritualists; this prohibition indicates that there is evil and danger in this practice (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6,7; Isaiah 8:19). It is useless for spiritualists to cite the example of Saul, because that unfortunate one died for having consulted a summoner (The Chronicles 10:13).
The dead are under God's control, who is Lord of life and death, and therefore cannot be subject to mediums. See for example Apocalypse 1:18; Romans 14:9. Spiritualists cite the case of the pythoness and Samuel, and the appearance of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration. Even though Samuel actually appeared to Saul, this was done by divine permission; the same can be said of Moses and Elijah. The story of the rich man and Lazarus proves that it is not allowed, to those who have departed from this land, communicate with the living (Luca 16).
Although it has been proven that the phenomenon of spiritism is often deceit, there is some reality in it. The dead are under God's control and cannot communicate with the living, but the spirit manifestations and their messages come from deceiving and deceitful spirits (I Re 22:22; I Timoteo 4:1).
Many of those who embrace spiritism or consult mediums, they are often people who have rejected faith in Jesus and who have never had a personal encounter with him. Those who have known Him and believe the scriptures receive help, pace, and sufficient light on the things that concern both this world and the world beyond the grave.
There are many testimonies of people who have been victims of the occult forces.
Unfortunately, the human being in certain situations, like the loss of a loved one, he lets himself go to certain things, not aware of the dangers they run. Sometimes you fall victim to scammy mediums who steal money, other times, even worse, you really fall victim to the occult forces. In this case, only the hand of God can cast out demons from our lives!
Many will say: “But what about the spirits? That has to do with occultism? What Satanism has to do with it?” It has something to do with it! God has given a ban on addressing the dead, any attempt to contact them, also invocation and prayer, it is a foothold for Satan and his spirits to make us fall into their deceptions, answering and communicating
with us, precisely because we are going against God's will! Just as he does with the apparitions by getting in the way, so it does with any paranormal practice that exists on our world!
Including the many UFO phenomena: UFO, that have not yet revealed themselves to the world, I wonder why! Remember a little’ the Marian apparition that says it will reveal itself at the end?
Everything that happens spiritual and paranormal on our planet, once it is established that it does not depend on anyone else
factor (vision, atmospheric phenomena, etc) it always depends on the Prince of this world, Satan, the only one who was thrown here among us! Because God explicitly told us that he would not give us any sign until his next coming, and what he had to tell us he has already left us in writing. He told us that Satan would be the Prince of this world until his return.
He left us a while’ in a corrupt world left to itself, where there is evil, perversions, war, materialism and unbelief.
E’ all written, that's how it was supposed to go. The only way to communicate with him is through prayer, because He will be near, and will speak to our hearts! And it will help us in the midst of this world chaos, if we persevere in faith and prayer, on his return we will be rewarded.