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Old Testament

The Great Flood

"Then God said to Noah,: 'I have made up my mind: the end of all flesh has come, for the earth, because of them, It is filled with violence; here, I will destroy them together with the earth. '" (Genesis 6:13 - P) - "And it happened, on the seventh day, that the…

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?

In the edition of 1948 his excellent book, Our Bible and Ancient Manuscripts (Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts), Sir Frederic Kenyon said the scholar: Unfortunately there is no real chance of finding manuscripts of the…

At Bibb CEI

It is translated from the original Hebrew texts, Aramaic and Greek. For the Old Testament, the translation is made from the Masoretic text, but when this presents insurmountable difficulties, other Hebrew manuscripts were used (ad…

the Vulgate

This term designates since the Middle Ages the Latin version of the Bible edited by S. Girolamo. In reality, S. Jerome translated from Hebrew only the books of the Old Testament which were included in the canon of the Hebrews and the New…

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