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The Berlin Declaration (1909)
(Translated by Arturo Kägi) da Klaus Doering
I fratelli sottoscritti alzano la loro voce per mettere in guardia contro il cosiddetto "Pentecostal Movement".
After having with great care and in front of the…
Why baptize children?
It is best to leave everyone free choice? "Children should decide for themselves, when they grow up ", so repeat some parents. Alcune chiese evangeliche invece pensano che il Battesimo dei bambini contraddica…
Why is it necessary to be baptized?
Because it is a commandment of Jesus. Through baptism we publicly testify that we become part of the family of Christ.
The sacraments commanded by Jesus may be practiced without problems?
The sacraments commanded by Jesus (holy supper and baptism) they can be considered in conformity with the Scriptures and therefore practiced without problems in all Christian churches? Thank you, Antonio
Certo, indeed they must! But I would like to clarify that the word…
A Christian converted, but not yet baptized in water, can participate in the Lord's supper?
Opinions differ greatly on this issue. Personally I am for infant baptism, I believe that the one done in the Catholic Church is valid, which is done with all biblical criteria, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.…
Speaking in tongues is proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit?
There are many examples of believers who receive the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues. It is interesting to note that in the Bible both Zechariah and John are defined as "filled with the Holy Spirit", but they never spoke in tongues.!--:it-->…