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Who is God? - Una evidenza
Il fatto dell'esistenza di Dio è così evidente, both through creation and through the consciousness of man, that the Bible calls the atheist a "fool" ( Salmo 14:1 ). Consequently, the Bible never tempts…
Because praying to the dead is a sin?
Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone "consults with the dead" is "detestable to the Lord". The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring the spirit of the deceased back to life…
Because I have to believe the Bible?
The Bible is reliable?
The Bible is the Word of God in written form. It is a collection of 66 books, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written by more than 40 authors in 1.500 years. Later writings and archeology have confirmed that the people,…
What is the true version of the Bible?
What is the true version or translation of the Bible among the many that exist? Which is the true and reliable one?
There are many versions of the Bible - with new translations coming out all the time, apparently, and sometimes it is difficult for the!-->…
Christianity is for stupid and gullible people?
Many skeptics think Christianity is for people who don't want to reflect and reason. Christians are often considered to be people who believe everything the Church tells them. Faith is regarded as…
The Bible contains contradictions
question: "The Bible contains errors?"If we read the Bible without prejudice, we will find a coherent book that is easy to understand and interpret. Of course there are difficult passages and verses that seem to contradict each other but we must!-->…
misconceptions and false teachings examined in the light of God's Word
Did you know that...
...the Apostle Peter was married? (Matthew 8,14)
...and who they were also married other apostles and preachers of the Gospel? (1Letter to the Corinthians 9,5)
Did you know that...
...the bishop can marry…
The Bible is sexist?
Question: Ciao, I have 21 years and I'm very slowly getting closer to Jesus. I'm asking a lot of questions, and what matters most to me is to ask an expert (you, in this case) it's how you can reconcile being a woman with what the Bible does…
God hardens the hearts of those who have hardened themselves?
According to Armenian, defenders of free will, God harden the hearts of those who, by choice, do not accept. Things are really so?
First, it does not logically make sense to say "God hardens those who harden themselves"…
A good version of the Bible
ciao, Finally an intelligent person ! I too, like so many, have emerged from the sect of jehovah's witnesses. but one realizes the mistake only when you come out of it. (UNFORTUNATELY). I don't want to ask you any questions but only receive from you…