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Jesus warned us twice about an evil woman: in Matthew 13:33 and in Revelation 2:20-23. In this last passage Jesus identifies the woman, iezabel, with a false prophetess who seduces her servants by teaching them to commit…
Death of the Virgin Mary
How she died?
We do not know for sure the place or circumstances of the death of the Virgin Mary. A tradition attests that he died in Jerusalem. Another tradition says that she lived in Ephesus for a short time before hers…
Mary in the Bible
The Catholic Church asserts that Mary was BORN WITHOUT SIN by a special grace. The dogma of the immaculate conception of Mary was issued by Pius IX in 1854 (even about 1800 years after the start of the church):
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“Why I believe in the one who made the world” the nuclear physicist Antonio Zichichi
E' opinione comune che le leggi dell'universo scoperte dalla scienza siano in conflitto con quelle imperscrutabili di Dio. The contrast between faith and science represents one of the most excruciating dilemmas of our time; un dramma che…
Prayers from the Bible: i Salmi
The importance of the Psalms is very great, in them we find inspiration for prayer and edification, we also find comfort when we find ourselves living in particular situations in our life. The Psalms are not to be learned by heart, in…
December 2012: the end of the world?
The Maya civilization is a pre-Columbian civilization known for its knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, as for his art and architecture. Many of these civilizations reached their apogee of development during the…