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Catholic church
While the Marian apparitions can, sometimes, seem like insignificant stories told by children without culture who tell of experiences of encounters with a lady on a remote mountain, they have had a significant effect!--:it-->…
THE Christianity as a political power
With the accession of Constantine to Christianity, the end of the persecutions and the recognition of freedom of worship, Christians found themselves in a radically different context; now, bisognava concepire l’impero romano all'interno…
Medjugorje: the position of the Church Catholic
The Medjugorje events are unique among the apparitions reported, also because of their durability. What is the Vatican's attitude towards them? The answer to this question is unclear.
According to the Canon Law of the!--:it-->…
Medjugorje Apparitions: Psychosis or scam?
Legend, delusion or psychosis?
The alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje are based on very fragmentary evidence. The New Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that the apparitions of St. Dominic and the apparition to St. Simon Stock in 1251…
The interference of the Vatican in marriages
Dear friend,
Vatican marriage laws affect millions of people around the world, especially in Catholic nations such as Italy, where the Vatican has established a legal agreement with the state, for which the law…
Why divisions in the Church that Christ founded?
Jesus said that Christians are not to be divided but to form one family, we must only follow Him, nobody else, nor the apostle Paul, even though he himself followed Jesus, nor others, the same goes for Mary, mother of Jesus, e!--:it-->…