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Christianity is the only belief system that recognizes the depth of the problem of sin and offers a solution to it. It is not only the "really bad" people who must be interested in their relationship with God but all of us,…
The Christian faith is based on emotion or reason?
Atheists claim: "Religious beliefs are contrary to good sense. There are no angels, devils, heavens, hell, ghosts, witches and even miracles. These superstitious beliefs have been encouraged for the purpose of making people believe…
Why become a Christian when the worst hypocrites are in the churches?
One of the classic pretexts people use to refuse to embrace Christianity is about presence, in the past as in the present, of the so-called "hypocrites" in the church. It gives people relief to look at misdeeds…
early Christianity: detachment from Judaism
In the process of spreading the first Christian communities there were two particularly important moments: the detachment from Judaism and the encounter-clash with the pagan world. Jesus' early followers had lived like gods…
How were and how the early Christians lived?
Animated by an exclusive faith that did not allow compromises, Christians refused any participation in traditional cults: ceremonies and feasts in honor of the gods, ma anche forme di sodalità a esse collegate come banchetti e…
The persecution of the early Christians
Christians have been persecuted ever since, identified as such, they no longer benefited from the privileged status of the Jews. The persecution, at first circumscribed, local and sporadic, divenne sistematica alla metà del III secolo.…
Christianity is materialistic or idealistic?
This is a question that is frequently raised and answers is difficult. Today, materialism is rowing. If we claim to defend idealism sembreremmo, the eyes of many, retrograde and outdated. Per di più il cristianesimo…
The nascent Christianity is characterized by an extreme variety, based on the different relationships with Judaism and with the world polytheistic crossed by the missions of the "gentiles", as well as by the different way of referring to Christ in the…
Roman Empire converted to Christianity
Like other non-Christians of his time, sembra che all'inizio
l’imperatore Costantino fosse semplicemente monoteista — cioè credesse in un Dio creatore supremo. known by different names and in various ways worshiped -, come dimostra il Sol invictus…