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It gave
commenti sul discernimento degli spiriti
da una lettera di Margaret E. Barber
(l'ex missionaria che aiutò il giovane Watchman Nee nel suo cammino col Signore)
Here are appearing in new ways in China the demonic powers; e…
The Law of Forgiveness
E, as they continued to question him, he, raised his head, he told them: «Which of you is without sin, be the first to throw the stone at her ". Giovanni 8:7
Nell'episodio della donna adultera, Gesù è nel tempio a Gerusalemme e sta…
Faith and intelligence as opposed?
Many contrast intelligence with faith. If we interpret incorrectly the phrase of Jesus:
In that hour, Jesus, moved by the Holy Spirit, he exulted and said: «I give you praise, or father, Lord of Heaven and…
Report to modern society
I segni degli ultimi tempi
Dio mise Adamo in un giardino di delizie, but that first man took the only forbidden fruit by disobeying God's order. Thus he was cast out of Eden.
A few centuries later, the earth was full of violence and…
That religion is a religion that protest?
You protest against GOD. Jesus and the apostles did not protest.
If God and the Catholic Church were the same thing, you would be right. But is not so!
Let us immediately make a correction on the conception we have of the term "Protestant".…
Miracles still exist?
Voi protestanti affermate che oggi i miracoli non esistono più
E chi l'ha detto? Il fatto di non credere all'intercessione di Maria e dei Santi, as not biblical, it doesn't mean that God doesn't work miracles today. Egli li opera oggi…
You have to trust men?
We have to trust what men say and their opinions or what God says? We need to trust human doctrines and philosophies or God's Word?
Così parla l'Eterno: " Maledetto l'uomo che confida nell'uomo". (Geremia…
The work of the Holy Spirit
It helps for you that I go away; because, if I don't go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I leave, or I'll send it to you. (Giovanni 16:7)
Lo Spirito Santo ha preso il posto di Gesù quando Egli è andato via ed è stato assunto in…
How to recognize if the heavenly messages from God?
How can we determine if such manifestations are from God? How can we try these apparitions to understand if they are truly benevolent? The answer is clear: we must evaluate everything in the light of God's Word:
… But examine…
The interference of the Vatican in marriages
Dear friend,
Vatican marriage laws affect millions of people around the world, especially in Catholic nations such as Italy, where the Vatican has established a legal agreement with the state, for which the law…