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It gave
How the existence of the Jewish people constitutes objective proof of the authenticity of the Bible?
One of the most compelling evidence for the existence of the God of the Bible is the history of the Jewish people.
Circa 4.000 years…
The Bible of Scofield
Cyrus Scofield was a Tennessee attorney who lived in the 1800s. then he became, after leading a life devoted to worldly pleasures, including alcohol, minister.
The Bible of Scofield, first published in 1909 (now sold as…
By John Wycliffe Bible
Wyclif is a true reformer, that had not happened, however,, because the reforms he proposed were united in ecclesiological errors and Eucharistic and violent controversy. What is certain is that Wyclif, in his criticism of the Church of the time, to…
The Bible of Martin Lutero
Before Luther they existed at least 17 German versions of the Bible. The great reformer, however, wanted to create a version that was more in line with the '' feeling '' of the German people and that was also drawn from the original sources.…
Why does God not intervene?
Wilhelm M. Busch
Nel mondo avvengono cose terribili!
I walked down the street in Essen, I believe in the year 1937, when a boy of about 16 years came to meet me completely upset. Since I had finished mine…
Why believe the Protestants?
They ask:
There are many different interpretations of the Bible: why should I believe your?
One of the most common objections we face in discussing Christianity, is that there are many interpretations of the Bible. A…
Understand the Bible
Qualità che bisogna avere per comprendere la Bibbia
Nonostante la validità dei motivi e la bontà dei metodi, scripture study will be useless if you miss the right mental provisions on those in this study approaches. Yes…
Methods to study the Bible
One can not approach the Bible in various ways. The best would be to study a book at a time. However have taken into account some important factors that, if properly applied, they will make the study itself not only more…
What is the Bible?
The Bible is not made up of a single book, but from an entire library of 66 books of different genres, written over many centuries by numerous authors. There are entire volumes of history in the Bible, chronicle, non-fiction, technique,…
The Unconditional Election
La specie umana si trova in condizione d'essere totalmente depravata, priva d'ogni bene rispetto a Dio, and therefore fundamentally and irremediably condemned. La sua eventuale salvezza dipende esclusivamente dall'iniziativa di Dio, the…