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you are saved?

Salvation is not earned but it is a gift from God, you don't have to do anything to get it, no work, you get it by faith. But authentic and sincere faith is needed, as it is described in the Bible! Infatti è per grazia

Marco 16:9-20 it is inspired?

One of the most controversial issues in religious circles is whether Marco 16:9-20 is actually part of Scripture. In many biblical translations, this part appears between square perentheses, as a later addition. In reality, this last one…

Why you should pray only to Jesus?

According to Scripture, our only mediator and advocate with the Father, it's Jesus. Scripture does not mention others, he does not name them, indeed, he condemns as idolaters those who turn to others other than God. From the Helvetic Confession of Faith…

What it means to be born again?

God's Word states that the whole world lies in sin. Those who consider themselves or are thought to be better than others also belong to the large group of sinners, in fact the Sacred Scripture affirms that "tutti hanno peccato e

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