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In fact, the confirmation does not exist in the New Testament, where we find only the baptism. Confirmation is practiced, as well as in the Catholic Church, even in historic Protestant churches that recognize infant baptism as valid.…
Why is it necessary to be baptized?
Because it is a commandment of Jesus. Through baptism we publicly testify that we become part of the family of Christ.
God even hears the prayers of those who have received the inner call?
I wanted to ask you if God listens (and fulfills) also the prayers of those who have not received the interior call and therefore are not yet a Christian believer in all respects. Thank you.
Il solo fatto che una persona si stia rivolgendo a…
What value can we attribute to the Tradition of the Fathers of the Church?
(is S.Agostino, Origen etc.) In the moment in which they clarify without breaking the biblical dictation, we can attribute to these teachings didactic value, without falling into idolatry?
Tradition is very important, è grazie a questa…
The sacraments commanded by Jesus may be practiced without problems?
The sacraments commanded by Jesus (holy supper and baptism) they can be considered in conformity with the Scriptures and therefore practiced without problems in all Christian churches? Thank you, Antonio
Certo, indeed they must! But I would like to clarify that the word…
What do you think of all the lambs sacrificed for the Easter lunch?
Antonella asks:
... I know that like me you love animals, but I also know the biblical part that begins with the flight from Egypt and the sacrifice of a lamb per family. I would like to know your personal and biblical opinion. Questo non…
A Christian converted, but not yet baptized in water, can participate in the Lord's supper?
Opinions differ greatly on this issue. Personally I am for infant baptism, I believe that the one done in the Catholic Church is valid, which is done with all biblical criteria, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.…
Catholics are Christians?
Yup. What makes us Christians is the belief in the deity of Jesus Christ, in the Holy Trinity. Catholics are Christians, the Orthodox and most Protestant denominations. Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians, which…
There are aliens?
Nowadays television broadcasts do nothing but talk about it. Let's think about "Mystery", the broadcast that generates a lot of audience and deals with ghosts, aliens and alleged abductions and paranormal. La gente è assetata di sapere ed è insito…
Catholics will be saved?
The Bible says that the requirement for salvation is recognition of one's sins and acceptance, by faith, of the ransom made by Jesus on the cross. Catholics recognize this and therefore have the essential requirement for…