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Objection of Marian:
This site is against the Madonna, Mary Mother of Jesus.
False! If anyone who thinks this had read carefully what is written on the site without stopping at the appearance of the header, he would have understood that we love Maria very much!--:it-->…
It is possible that you are wrong about the Madonna?
We are as fallible as human beings just like you and do not have the absolute Truth. But we don't think we're wrong because we rely on the Bible, unless we must give the latter the same importance that we can give to!--:it-->…
Satan can heal?
La Madonna ha operato guarigioni e il diavolo non può guarire
Falso! The devil is able to do wonders and healings, as the Bible says. He can do it because the Lord allows him to test us. It can make us sick and…
That religion is a religion that protest?
You protest against GOD. Jesus and the apostles did not protest.
If God and the Catholic Church were the same thing, you would be right. But is not so!
Let us immediately make a correction on the conception we have of the term "Protestant".…
Miracles still exist?
Voi protestanti affermate che oggi i miracoli non esistono più
E chi l'ha detto? Il fatto di non credere all'intercessione di Maria e dei Santi, as not biblical, it doesn't mean that God doesn't work miracles today. Egli li opera oggi…
Before he formed the biblical canon was only the tradition of the Church
Obiezione dei cattolici
La Chiesa cattolica considera Bibbia e tradizione insieme! Before 395 D.C., there was no Bible! What we had was the Tradition of the Apostles, which has been passed down through 2000 years. "Colonna!--:it-->…
The Jewish biblical canon is correct?
The Catholics talking about the fact that not even the Jews recognize their seven books that they have inserted in the Old Testament, they say:
Possible that the brothers separated (Protestants) they do not realize that they are going against Christianity!--:it-->…
You have to trust men?
We have to trust what men say and their opinions or what God says? We need to trust human doctrines and philosophies or God's Word?
Così parla l'Eterno: " Maledetto l'uomo che confida nell'uomo". (Geremia…
What is a real Christian?
We mention the three basic principles by which the Word of God, describes who the true Christian is and then we will understand how to become one today.
First: the Bible says that a Christian is one who walks the way of life, in contrast!--:it-->…
What it means to be Christian?
People's views on what it means to be a Christian are the most diverse. We will take an honest look at the following erroneous folk myths, so that we can examine what exactly it is that makes us Christians.