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Preach and evangelize are exactly the same thing: when predichiamo, preach the message of the Gospel and when we evangelise we do the same thing. But you hear that some woman can yes evangelize, but it can't…
Timothy and the silence of the woman
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. Because I don't allow the woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1Timoteo 2:11-12
There is reason to believe that Paul was not referring to women in…
The silence of women: 1Corinthians 14: 34
Stephen Gola, teacher of biblical subjects and preacher in the United States (Grace Centered Magazine), asserts:
When I realized what was the Bible clear on women in ministry, I was terribly and…
Jesus and women
There is no biblical and historical reason for considering women to be inferior to men, even the minister of preaching, rather, it is argued that Jesus was basically in favor of women in all aspects of life.
If you are doomed because they get busy?
Question: if you are predestined why get busy? in one way or another you will go through the "narrow door" and vice versa, if not predestined, every effort to tend towards God is useless, so nothing you do or do not do has…
Paolo, the last apostle, and his travels
The beginnings of the history of the history of Christianity (I- 5th century)
Paul dominates the entire apostolic generation, both for its theology and for its missionary strategy, but also for his dazzling writing, che ancora oggi…
We must evangelize?
Salve, I entered this site for the first time today, I have read many things, and I'd like to ask you a question. What do you think of preaching? We should preach to the people today? In Matthew 28:19 is written: "Go therefore, e fate…