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Salvation by faith

Bible verses in support of salvation by faith alone 1. Giovanni 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him does not perish, but have eternal life 2. Rom. 3:22-24 vale…

Spurgeon: "The sin of unbelief"

"But that captain had answered the man of God, and she had told him: 'Here, even if the Lord made windows in heaven, could such a thing ever happen?'And Elisha had told him: 'Well, you will see it with your own eyes, but not…

You can try Christianity?

Many times someone asks: “It can be proved that Christianity is true? It can be proved to the 100%?» La risposta alla prima domanda è: "Yup, it can be proved that Christianity is true. " Of course, that doesn't mean everyone will accept…

you are saved?

Salvation is not earned but it is a gift from God, you don't have to do anything to get it, no work, you get it by faith. But authentic and sincere faith is needed, as it is described in the Bible! Infatti è per grazia

children return

Jesus said,: In truth I tell you: if you don't change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matteo 18:3) We believers are seen as ignorant, people who ignore the true facts proven by science, that…

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