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We can observe from the Bible that the prophets Isaiah and Micah 750 years before our era, they announced many things about Mary: the miraculous conception, il luogo della nascita del Messia che porterà in seno, il nome che gli!--:it-->…
You Protestants hate the Mother of God
... e quindi odiate anche Dio
Voi protestanti dovreste vergognarvi perché andate contro la madre di Gesù, the mother of God. How would you feel if they spoke badly of your mom? Jesus loves his mother and wants us to respect her.
This site is against the Madonna?
Objection of Marian:
This site is against the Madonna, Mary Mother of Jesus.
False! If anyone who thinks this had read carefully what is written on the site without stopping at the appearance of the header, he would have understood that we love Maria very much!--:it-->…
It is possible that you are wrong about the Madonna?
We are as fallible as human beings just like you and do not have the absolute Truth. But we don't think we're wrong because we rely on the Bible, unless we must give the latter the same importance that we can give to!--:it-->…
I will put enmity between thee and the woman
"I will put enmity between you and the woman ..." (Gn 3:15)
The Catholic catechism, when it comes to explaining the veneration of the "Madonna" bring out this verse, plus the one where she is called "blessed and full of grace" in the Gospel.…
Mary was assumed into Heaven?
Maria ha condotto una vita senza peccato e quindi è stata assunta in cielo
Chi lo dice che Maria abbia condotto una vita senza peccato? The Bible says otherwise, that is what "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans…
The many titles given to Vergine Maria
The "presumed" Vegine Maria has appeared in recent times, in any form, color and clothing. Here are some of the titles that have been given to her:
Nostra Signora di Fatima
Nostra Signora di Guadalupe
Nostra Signora di Lourdes!--:it-->…
Jezebel behind the Marian apparitions
Jesus warned us twice about an evil woman: in Matthew 13:33 and in Revelation 2:20-23. In this last passage Jesus identifies the woman, iezabel, with a false prophetess who seduces her servants by teaching them to commit…
Death of the Virgin Mary
How she died?
We do not know for sure the place or circumstances of the death of the Virgin Mary. A tradition attests that he died in Jerusalem. Another tradition says that she lived in Ephesus for a short time before hers…
The Mariani Posts
THE MARIAN MESSAGES ALL AIM TO MOVE AWAY FROM GOD because they go against his Word. Whoever hides behind to be credible uses the cross and Christ and claims to be sent by Him, but then he orders to build sanctuaries for the Madonna…