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Question:Ciao, is max and I am a believer of Catholicism although little practitioner (so 'we do angered Bishop. Tonini)My curiosity is whether esitono miracles, because the JWs don't believe it.
We Christians strongly believe in…
Marco 16:17 refutation of the Pentecostal doctrines
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, They shall take up serpents; even if they drink some poison, they will not have any harm; they will lay hands on…
The Apparitions and Miracles
According to the Bible, apparitions and prodigious works are the work of the devil, that yes "also disguises himself as an angel of light" to deceive us! ( Corinthians 11:14-15)
Because there are Madonnas of all colors, di tutti i tipi e in tutte le parti!--:it-->…
This site is against the Madonna?
Objection of Marian:
This site is against the Madonna, Mary Mother of Jesus.
False! If anyone who thinks this had read carefully what is written on the site without stopping at the appearance of the header, he would have understood that we love Maria very much!--:it-->…
Satan can heal?
La Madonna ha operato guarigioni e il diavolo non può guarire
Falso! The devil is able to do wonders and healings, as the Bible says. He can do it because the Lord allows him to test us. It can make us sick and…
Miracles still exist?
Voi protestanti affermate che oggi i miracoli non esistono più
E chi l'ha detto? Il fatto di non credere all'intercessione di Maria e dei Santi, as not biblical, it doesn't mean that God doesn't work miracles today. Egli li opera oggi…