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The Bible is reliable?
The Bible is the Word of God in written form. It is a collection of 66 books, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written by more than 40 authors in 1.500 years. Later writings and archeology have confirmed that the people,…
Christianity is for stupid and gullible people?
Many skeptics think Christianity is for people who don't want to reflect and reason. Christians are often considered to be people who believe everything the Church tells them. Faith is regarded as…
Big Bang: a biblical evaluation
"More than just cosmology is needed to understand the structure and meaning of the Universe"
Cosmology deals with the structure and origin of the Universe; the modern one began around 1925, when you thought of…
Dinosaurs and the Bible
According to evolutionists, dinosaurs died long before man appeared on earth, but in the Bible we find many references to this prehistoric animal that lived with men ...
There Is Truly A Mystery About Dinosaurs?…
The problem of the origin of life
Quella che esporremo in questo paragrafo non è la sola ipotesi proposta dal mondo scientifico, but it is by far the most accepted and widespread; in the numerous school texts that I got to know, then, is…
You can try Christianity?
Many times someone asks: “It can be proved that Christianity is true? It can be proved to the 100%?»
La risposta alla prima domanda è: "Yup, it can be proved that Christianity is true. " Of course, that doesn't mean everyone will accept…
Understanding the Bible with the heart
The truth that God reveals to us in the Bible, contrary to human sciences, it is not acquired with natural intelligence, at least at the beginning of our Bible study path, nor with an effort of reflection. In Matthew 13:15 we find…
Christianity is for the weak
It seems that in every university setting there is always some atheist ready to argue that: «Christianity is for the weak, it's just a support ".
In these words we find the echo of the famous phrase of Karl Marx: “Religion is…
The Christian faith is based on emotion or reason?
Atheists claim: "Religious beliefs are contrary to good sense. There are no angels, devils, heavens, hell, ghosts, witches and even miracles. These superstitious beliefs have been encouraged for the purpose of making people believe…
Faith and intelligence as opposed?
Many contrast intelligence with faith. If we interpret incorrectly the phrase of Jesus:
In that hour, Jesus, moved by the Holy Spirit, he exulted and said: «I give you praise, or father, Lord of Heaven and…