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Holy Spirit
The following are quotes from Watchtower literature, better known as the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. After reading the quotes below, it is possible to say that the Watchtower…
You can pray to the Holy Spirit?
Could you please provide me with biblical passages that testify that the Holy Spirit is not prayed?
There are no biblical passages that prohibit praying to the Holy Spirit, but there are also no examples in the Bible of people praying to the Spirit…
Refutation of the doctrines of the Pentecostal Movement
The Berlin Declaration (1909)
(Translated by Arturo Kägi) da Klaus Doering
I fratelli sottoscritti alzano la loro voce per mettere in guardia contro il cosiddetto "Pentecostal Movement".
After having with great care and in front of the…
We can get closer to God if He wants him
It is we who truly approach God with our free will? The Bible says no. This concept is nowhere to be found and originates from Arminius' doctrines of human free will, thus denying the sovereignty of…
Isaiah 63:10 the Holy Spirit
In Isaiah 63:10 it speaks of the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God are the same, there is only one Spirit!
Faith and intelligence as opposed?
Many contrast intelligence with faith. If we interpret incorrectly the phrase of Jesus:
In that hour, Jesus, moved by the Holy Spirit, he exulted and said: «I give you praise, or father, Lord of Heaven and…
The work of the Holy Spirit
It helps for you that I go away; because, if I don't go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I leave, or I'll send it to you. (Giovanni 16:7)
Lo Spirito Santo ha preso il posto di Gesù quando Egli è andato via ed è stato assunto in…
What is a real Christian?
We mention the three basic principles by which the Word of God, describes who the true Christian is and then we will understand how to become one today.
First: the Bible says that a Christian is one who walks the way of life, in contrast!--:it-->…
What it means to be Christian?
People's views on what it means to be a Christian are the most diverse. We will take an honest look at the following erroneous folk myths, so that we can examine what exactly it is that makes us Christians.
The conversion or the new birth: as it happens?
What happens when we convert to Christ? We are born again. He is spiritually reborn to a new life, one receives salvation in that precise instant.
Know what happened, understand clearly what that experience implies, costituisce la…