Catholics see God the Father as severe and irascible, too busy with other things to listen to our prayers. Then on the hierarchical scale there is Jesus who, despite being God, he is seen as different from God the Father, as they claim that there is!--:it-->…
Qualsiasi sforzo onesto per fornire una spiegazione soddisfacente al fenomeno noto come apparizioni mariane si rivelerà un compito complesso e difficile.
L'origine o la causa delle apparizioni mariane deve essere naturale o soprannaturale.!--:it-->…
The Medjugorje events are unique among the apparitions reported, also because of their durability. What is the Vatican's attitude towards them? The answer to this question is unclear.
According to the Canon Law of the!--:it-->…
Legend, delusion or psychosis?
The alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje are based on very fragmentary evidence. The New Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that the apparitions of St. Dominic and the apparition to St. Simon Stock in 1251…
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