children return

Jesus said,:
In truth I tell you: if you don't change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matteo 18:3)

Child Praying January 22, 2004

We believers are seen as ignorant, people who ignore the true facts proven by science, who believes in fairy tales. But is not so! We know science and we know the Bible in depth, while atheists usually only know science and reject the Bible a priori with prejudice.

Jesus actually, wants to tell us with this verse, that if we do not become like children and do not open our minds to believe the incredible, we will never be saved, because we will never be able to have true faith. Jesus knew that today, in the 21st century, scientific discoveries would have been many and despite the fact that science has never denied biblical facts, there are people who continue to attack the Bible and faith. Jesus had foreseen this and warned us with that verse.
Believers live happily, but not because they are as foolish as atheists believe, (before becoming a believer, is the door, I studied a lot of that scientific stuff and I took a lot of astronomy courses) but because they know that after earthly death there will be a new spiritual world where we will all live with our Creator.
Sorry if it is little! You feel so safe that you rule out this possibility? lucky you, that you know everything. Yet we humans are not even able to explain life! Evolutionism? Darwin? Big Bang? Man-ape? Where is the evidence? All even those fables! You were there? Science has confirmed these theories? There is no evidence!
We are all in this together.
Science is nothing but an explanation of divine creations.
Jesus said to him: "Because you saw me, you believed; blessed are those who have not seen and believed!ยป (Giovanni 20:29)
… because they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!